selama tahun 2010 berlangsung..ape pencapaian terbaik kita?
for me..i think i've achieve nothing..haha..
klau ade achievement pun..terlalu kecil untuk dikira sbg pencapaian terbaik..
so..please nice to..i need something to make me feel good..
to make fell like i'm the most wanted person in the world..hahaha
*ok2..merepek gila*
if in the past..u hate someone..lets forgive and forget..
if in the past..u fail in the exam..lets do better..and study smart..
if in the past..u've done something wrong..lets ask for forgiveness..
if in the past..u shop like u have alot of money..lets spend the money wisely..
open the new book..close the old one..
forget all the sorrow..look ahead and never look back..
love the one you hate..but dont hate the one you love..
be a better "hamba Allah" Maher Zain said..'dont despair and never lose hope, cause Allah is always by ur side..insyaAllah' =)
what is your new year resolution?
mine..i'll try my best to stop complaining..hahahahahaha..
i'm not perfect..why should i complain..kan?
to all my friends.. i'm wishing you "selamat tahun baru" and "berjimat cermatlah" <<<owh..this one is for me.. hehe
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
hello malaysia !
walaupun ni hari yg ke 2 aku kat rumah..tapi still i would like to welcome myself to malaysia..
hahahahahaha.. pathetic gila !
ok2..first day was nothing really except that aku perlu membungkus 6 kotak hadiah dan 4 hamper..
untuk ape? haha.. tu lain cite.. (:
2nd day..which is today.. hang out with besties from primary school..
lamaaaaaaa gila x jumpe.. miss u girls soooo much.. =D
lepak kat east coast mall.. impress seketika.. dah banyak kedai baru bukak..
rase kuantan cam best pulak.. haha..mmg la.. kuantan tu rumah aku kot !
ketinggalan pulak rase nye.. haha..
we had a longgggg gossip.. tapi still x puas hati..sbb x dapat lepak tepi pantai dgn korg..
klau dpt lepak kat TC..sure gossip kite makin panjang..nasib baik harini hujan..haha
and my western food day.. lunch : chicken chop and dinner : sirloin steak..
rambut dah start tukar kaler blonde dah.. kaki makin panjang.. kulit dah ade freckles.. hahahahaha
hahahahahaha.. pathetic gila !
ok2..first day was nothing really except that aku perlu membungkus 6 kotak hadiah dan 4 hamper..
untuk ape? haha.. tu lain cite.. (:
2nd day..which is today.. hang out with besties from primary school..
lamaaaaaaa gila x jumpe.. miss u girls soooo much.. =D
lepak kat east coast mall.. impress seketika.. dah banyak kedai baru bukak..
rase kuantan cam best pulak.. haha..mmg la.. kuantan tu rumah aku kot !
ketinggalan pulak rase nye.. haha..
we had a longgggg gossip.. tapi still x puas hati..sbb x dapat lepak tepi pantai dgn korg..
klau dpt lepak kat TC..sure gossip kite makin panjang..nasib baik harini hujan..haha
and my western food day.. lunch : chicken chop and dinner : sirloin steak..
rambut dah start tukar kaler blonde dah.. kaki makin panjang.. kulit dah ade freckles.. hahahahaha
:: kenape aku xde..sbb aku tukang amik gambar..huhu ::
Monday, December 20, 2010
buang masa
esok hari selasa..
esok sy akan balik malaysia..
esok ade exam integrasi dua..
esok mama papa akan menanti di KLIA sana..
harini hari isnin..
harini kepala sy pening..
harini sy tido guling-guling..
harini sy malas belajar mcm exam esok tu x penting..
esok..mati la saya.. ='(
esok sy akan balik malaysia..
esok ade exam integrasi dua..
esok mama papa akan menanti di KLIA sana..
harini hari isnin..
harini kepala sy pening..
harini sy tido guling-guling..
harini sy malas belajar mcm exam esok tu x penting..
esok..mati la saya.. ='(
Monday, December 13, 2010
miss my old life so much..
its been..forever since my last post.. i miss my lame boring blog.. =))
28 nov : my own program !! mini seminar quilling..hey..skarang i dah jadi project manager ok ! but the disaster one.. sumpah pening handle program.. but at least i think i did it.. no so well..but not too horrible..thanx to all my friend and seniors yg datang that day.. more than i expected.. thank you sooo much.. =D
1-4 dec : tan sri muhyiddin charity golf (TSMCG).. i was selected as one of the volunteer.. i guess i was lucky.. TPM tu oii.. haha..around all the other datuk datin.. its quite fun.. sbb dpt makan makanan sedap lagi mahal..amik je ape nak..sume die bayar..maunye x seronok..
3 dec : TSMCG gala dinner..or we call it E-NIGHT.. kat hotel ritz was freaking as quite busy and didnt really hv the chance to taste all the chinese cuisine that come the best part.. i bumped into my EX BOYFRIEND.. well..we didnt really bumped into each other.. hard to explain..but the thing is.. my expression.. "eh !"..tu je..haha..blushing seketika..its been 5 years..i grew up so did he..but i cant help it.. he's too handsome..and my housemateasked me.."kenape korg clash?" one's just happened..i guess..xde jodoh..nk buat cmne..but i'm happy to see you least i know we still can be friend..sbb kite kan jiran..hahaha
9 dec : this is the worst part of my life.. exam integrasi 1..i didnt realy hv the time to study..thanx to all the work load.. dah la modul kali ni..susah macam tuuuttt i know i cant afford to read the whole module..i just pray to God that i will stay alive after the that i can do better for the next exam..haish..dont wanna think about it..
11 dec : Malaysian Festival '10 (mafest).. suddenly.. i become head of bereau.. eh2..suke2 kau je nak lantik aku camtu.. truthfully.. i cant take all the pressure.. i woke up in the morning with all the burden on my shoulder..people would say "ala..ketua biro je pun..bukan presiden.."..yes..i know i'm not the president or what so ever..but when i decided to join this persatuan..i hope to learn something about leadership..step by step..not a giant step..ok2..enough wity my complaint.. haha..back to mafest..ok..i was supposed to handle about the performance that night.. just to make sure "the artists" were that the program that night run smoothly..thanx to all the akak2 & abang2 yg banyak menolong.. =D
13 dec (today) : ok..pleno.. i woke up happily this morning..1st bcoz i have no work load anymore..i dont have to call averyone to confirm bout this and that.. i dont have to type any proposal.. 2nd.. i'm not the kau la presenter..haha..aku nak duduk and tengok je kau present..haha..but unfortunately my group was called in front..and we have to present..and i hv my trust on our we go.. die present macam 2 hari x tido..mcm mengantuk gila !! mumbling tah kat belakang x dengar pun ape die ckp !! OMG !! rase nak baling je kasut time tu..bile dlm kelas..gebang bukan main..huh ! another thing..the girl who made the slideshow..amboi2..memandai2 je letak itu dan ini.. xpasal2 kene fire dengan most of the lecturers..malu seyh !! tu pun nak kena jentik sedas more mistakes..insyaAllah.. =)
15-21 dec : exam lagiiiiiiiiiiiii !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wish me luck kawan2 ! i dont wanna make the same old mistake.. x mau SP lagi !! =(
21 dec : i seriously cant wait for this date..coz i'm going home !!!!!!! hey malaysia.. tunggu saya ok ! bye jakarta..i'll see u soon.. i mean very soon..sbb cuti sungguh sekejap..='(
long story short :
28 nov : my own program !! mini seminar quilling..hey..skarang i dah jadi project manager ok ! but the disaster one.. sumpah pening handle program.. but at least i think i did it.. no so well..but not too horrible..thanx to all my friend and seniors yg datang that day.. more than i expected.. thank you sooo much.. =D
1-4 dec : tan sri muhyiddin charity golf (TSMCG).. i was selected as one of the volunteer.. i guess i was lucky.. TPM tu oii.. haha..around all the other datuk datin.. its quite fun.. sbb dpt makan makanan sedap lagi mahal..amik je ape nak..sume die bayar..maunye x seronok..
3 dec : TSMCG gala dinner..or we call it E-NIGHT.. kat hotel ritz was freaking as quite busy and didnt really hv the chance to taste all the chinese cuisine that come the best part.. i bumped into my EX BOYFRIEND.. well..we didnt really bumped into each other.. hard to explain..but the thing is.. my expression.. "eh !"..tu je..haha..blushing seketika..its been 5 years..i grew up so did he..but i cant help it.. he's too handsome..and my housemateasked me.."kenape korg clash?" one's just happened..i guess..xde jodoh..nk buat cmne..but i'm happy to see you least i know we still can be friend..sbb kite kan jiran..hahaha
9 dec : this is the worst part of my life.. exam integrasi 1..i didnt realy hv the time to study..thanx to all the work load.. dah la modul kali ni..susah macam tuuuttt i know i cant afford to read the whole module..i just pray to God that i will stay alive after the that i can do better for the next exam..haish..dont wanna think about it..
11 dec : Malaysian Festival '10 (mafest).. suddenly.. i become head of bereau.. eh2..suke2 kau je nak lantik aku camtu.. truthfully.. i cant take all the pressure.. i woke up in the morning with all the burden on my shoulder..people would say "ala..ketua biro je pun..bukan presiden.."..yes..i know i'm not the president or what so ever..but when i decided to join this persatuan..i hope to learn something about leadership..step by step..not a giant step..ok2..enough wity my complaint.. haha..back to mafest..ok..i was supposed to handle about the performance that night.. just to make sure "the artists" were that the program that night run smoothly..thanx to all the akak2 & abang2 yg banyak menolong.. =D
13 dec (today) : ok..pleno.. i woke up happily this morning..1st bcoz i have no work load anymore..i dont have to call averyone to confirm bout this and that.. i dont have to type any proposal.. 2nd.. i'm not the kau la presenter..haha..aku nak duduk and tengok je kau present..haha..but unfortunately my group was called in front..and we have to present..and i hv my trust on our we go.. die present macam 2 hari x tido..mcm mengantuk gila !! mumbling tah kat belakang x dengar pun ape die ckp !! OMG !! rase nak baling je kasut time tu..bile dlm kelas..gebang bukan main..huh ! another thing..the girl who made the slideshow..amboi2..memandai2 je letak itu dan ini.. xpasal2 kene fire dengan most of the lecturers..malu seyh !! tu pun nak kena jentik sedas more mistakes..insyaAllah.. =)
15-21 dec : exam lagiiiiiiiiiiiii !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wish me luck kawan2 ! i dont wanna make the same old mistake.. x mau SP lagi !! =(
21 dec : i seriously cant wait for this date..coz i'm going home !!!!!!! hey malaysia.. tunggu saya ok ! bye jakarta..i'll see u soon.. i mean very soon..sbb cuti sungguh sekejap..='(
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
macam lah kau bagus !
post ni aku tuju kat 2 org manusia.. yg aku jamin gile buh-bee x kan bace blog aku ni..haha
malam ni.. bertarikh 1 december 2010.. ada football match.. msia vs indo..
ok..i am malaysian who is currently staying in indonesia..
i love both country..but of coz i love my owh country more la kan..
orang pertama :
die seekor malaysian.. oppss.. seorang..haha..
die senior aku.. yg sungguh annoying.. only god knows how irritating he is..
bro..aku tahu la ko dah lame duk sini.. and i bet everybody already knows the fact that malaysian football team is.....a disaster..
xpenah menang pun mane2 match.. kalau menang pun.. kalau x nasib pun, sbb the other team kaki bangku..
tapiiiii... xperlu la kau post status fb..mengutuk2 malaysian team.. buat perabih beras la..ape la..
doh..aku yg x reti main bola dan x minat bola ni pun..kecik ati bace status ko tuh !
me as a malaysian..sedikit malu mempunyai teman senegara seperti kau !
kalau org indo bace status ko tu..mesti die kate ko ni x sayang negara sendiri.. malu la weh !
kite kan malaysian..sokong la team kite..aku sendiri pun rase team msia akan kalah..tapi aku xde la post status cm tu..bagi sume org tahu...
pray for the best la..
and..i seriously think you as a loser.. idk why..hahaha
orang kedua:
die org indo.. die penah jadi groupmate aku..
dan sekali lagi.. die juga irritating.. tahap rase nak tampor laju2 berkali2..
hah..yg sekor ni.. x abeh2 nak kata malaysia ni maling (pencuri)..
weh sengal..ko sedar x classmate and groupmate ko tu ramai malaysian..
jangan rase diri bagus yek.. dan ingat lah..kitorg..pernah dan banyak tolong kau..
aku sureeee gila esok die akan cakap pasal bola malam nih.. dan..bergembira atas kekalahan malaysia..
come on la weh..mane semangat kesukanan korg.. take it easy lah.. bola je pun..
ramai2 atas padang..kejar sebijik bola..g beli sebijik sorg la.. senang cite..xyah berebut..
aku pulak yg emo.. ye aku emo..emo bukan sebab bola.. tapi sebab peminat2 nye yg berpikiran irrasional when it comes to football match.. haish ~~
post ni aku tuju kat 2 org manusia.. yg aku jamin gile buh-bee x kan bace blog aku ni..haha
malam ni.. bertarikh 1 december 2010.. ada football match.. msia vs indo..
ok..i am malaysian who is currently staying in indonesia..
i love both country..but of coz i love my owh country more la kan..
orang pertama :
die seekor malaysian.. oppss.. seorang..haha..
die senior aku.. yg sungguh annoying.. only god knows how irritating he is..
bro..aku tahu la ko dah lame duk sini.. and i bet everybody already knows the fact that malaysian football team is.....a disaster..
xpenah menang pun mane2 match.. kalau menang pun.. kalau x nasib pun, sbb the other team kaki bangku..
tapiiiii... xperlu la kau post status fb..mengutuk2 malaysian team.. buat perabih beras la..ape la..
doh..aku yg x reti main bola dan x minat bola ni pun..kecik ati bace status ko tuh !
me as a malaysian..sedikit malu mempunyai teman senegara seperti kau !
kalau org indo bace status ko tu..mesti die kate ko ni x sayang negara sendiri.. malu la weh !
kite kan malaysian..sokong la team kite..aku sendiri pun rase team msia akan kalah..tapi aku xde la post status cm tu..bagi sume org tahu...
pray for the best la..
and..i seriously think you as a loser.. idk why..hahaha
orang kedua:
die org indo.. die penah jadi groupmate aku..
dan sekali lagi.. die juga irritating.. tahap rase nak tampor laju2 berkali2..
hah..yg sekor ni.. x abeh2 nak kata malaysia ni maling (pencuri)..
weh sengal..ko sedar x classmate and groupmate ko tu ramai malaysian..
jangan rase diri bagus yek.. dan ingat lah..kitorg..pernah dan banyak tolong kau..
aku sureeee gila esok die akan cakap pasal bola malam nih.. dan..bergembira atas kekalahan malaysia..
come on la weh..mane semangat kesukanan korg.. take it easy lah.. bola je pun..
ramai2 atas padang..kejar sebijik bola..g beli sebijik sorg la.. senang cite..xyah berebut..
aku pulak yg emo.. ye aku emo..emo bukan sebab bola.. tapi sebab peminat2 nye yg berpikiran irrasional when it comes to football match.. haish ~~
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
tiada rasa
owh..selamat hari raya aidiladha kepada semua umat islam di dunia ini..
especially to my family yang jauh di mata.. dan kawan2 yang berterabur di serata dunia..
sama2 lah kita beraya di perantauan okeh ! =D
kambing penuh depan rumah..takbir bergema di masjid sini sana..
tapi...tiada rasa.. aku xde feeling nak raya weyyyyy ~~~
mcm esok..cuti umum biase yang ukrida tibe2 bagi..
jauh sekali aku plan nak masak2 untuk menyambut 10 Zulhijjah ini..
esok mungkin ade rase kot..harini..banyak yang nak dipikirkan..
macet seketika kepale otak ini..
benarlah pepatah perubatan kate.. semakin stress seseorg itu, semakin rentan die terhadap penyakit..
ye..aku tengah stress berat.. berat gile _____ (paham2 lah ape aku nak tulis kat situ)
dan sungguh mudah terkena infeksi.. padan muke..sape suruh dak..haha
abes ko buat aku stress pahal ??!! aku pikir pasal ko la _____!!! (isi tempat kosong tu sndr)
ter-emo pule.. btw.. SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILADHA KAWAN2 !! jangan makan daging banyak2.. ^^,
aku sayang kau lah bodoh !!!
especially to my family yang jauh di mata.. dan kawan2 yang berterabur di serata dunia..
sama2 lah kita beraya di perantauan okeh ! =D
kambing penuh depan rumah..takbir bergema di masjid sini sana..
tapi...tiada rasa.. aku xde feeling nak raya weyyyyy ~~~
mcm esok..cuti umum biase yang ukrida tibe2 bagi..
jauh sekali aku plan nak masak2 untuk menyambut 10 Zulhijjah ini..
esok mungkin ade rase kot..harini..banyak yang nak dipikirkan..
macet seketika kepale otak ini..
benarlah pepatah perubatan kate.. semakin stress seseorg itu, semakin rentan die terhadap penyakit..
ye..aku tengah stress berat.. berat gile _____ (paham2 lah ape aku nak tulis kat situ)
dan sungguh mudah terkena infeksi.. padan muke..sape suruh dak..haha
abes ko buat aku stress pahal ??!! aku pikir pasal ko la _____!!! (isi tempat kosong tu sndr)
ter-emo pule.. btw.. SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILADHA KAWAN2 !! jangan makan daging banyak2.. ^^,
aku sayang kau lah bodoh !!!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
sebab debb dah tag.. so..haruslah mem-blog kan.. hehe.. ^^,
25. kereta besar. sukaaaa sangat kereta besar. penah bercita-cita nak beli alphard sebijik dua.
24. pedas. toleransi lidah terhadap pedas..sangat kurang.
23. kucing. i'm a totally bigggggggggg fan of cats. life is lifeless without cats. =D
22. tidur. antara hobi2 paling x bermanfaat aku...
21. makan. ouh yeah.. people can hobby is.. makan.. haha
20. tekanan. paling x boleh terima tekanan dari org lain. x suka di suruh dan x suka menyuruh. i live my own life..u dont get to tell me what to do cuz i wont !
19. cloudy. sungguh x suka hari yang panas..tapi hujan pun x suka.. mendung perfect !
18. garang. org cakap aku garang.. x lah.. x garang.. cume kadang2 ekspresi muka dan nada suara tu x kene baik org nye..
17. pernah di hacked..sungguh sedih hidup mase tu..and i wish i just knew..........='(
18. nasik ayam dan laksa penang. makanan terbaik yang pernah dicipta !
16. shopping. perempuan..bese la tu kan.. tapi aku tahu ape yang patut dan x patut aku happens kadang2 je..most of the time..x patut punye shopping.
15. jejaka idaman. belum mentatto nama mane2 lelaki di liver ini. setakat yang temporary punye tatto..banyak la.
14. mahu anak yang x terlalu ramai..x terlalu sikit.. team futsal pun dah ok.. =D
13. kawen.. ouh..saya x nak kawen..[buat masa sekarang la..haha]
12. mencintai pantai. duduk tepi pantai besama seorang teman sambil makan McD..sepanjang hari tanpa buat apa2.. perkara paling indah yang pernah sy impikan ~
11. masak.. suka masak, suka belajar masak, suka tengok rancangan memasak.. tapi malas nak masak..
10. mahu jadi god of cardio suatu hari nanti..mcm christina yang kan debb? haha
9. sangat senang menangis..tgk cite sedih..mati2 sket..nanges2 dah.. =(
8. kadang2..super sensitive..ok..i hate myself too for being such a mengada2.. tapi..i kan perempuan..=)
7. harap masih ada lelaki yang betul2 paham hati dan perasaan perempuan..kalau ade lelaki mcm tu..tolong la kawen ngn aku..haha..tapi jangan lah kau tu gay mahupun sutun pulak !
6. air. sumpah aku sangat suka main air.. dan minum air.. dan mungkin....buang air..
5. impian besar. kalau nanti aku dah ade duit.. aku nak bawak parents aku ke suatu tempat yang menjadi idaman hampir semua orang..
4. nanti dah tua2..nak travel around the world with my beloved husband {yang x sure lagi sape gerangannya}
3. medic. aku sukaaaaaaaaa belajar medicine.. i get to know human being better..don't you ? =D
2. i can be very very very annoying and jerk at the same time whenever i'm in a bad mood.. sorry kawan2..
1. korea.. xde la big fan sangat.. tapi agak kipas-susah-mati la..i love almost everything about korea..dan teringinnnnnnnnn sangat nak pergi korea.. =)
25. kereta besar. sukaaaa sangat kereta besar. penah bercita-cita nak beli alphard sebijik dua.
24. pedas. toleransi lidah terhadap pedas..sangat kurang.
23. kucing. i'm a totally bigggggggggg fan of cats. life is lifeless without cats. =D
22. tidur. antara hobi2 paling x bermanfaat aku...
21. makan. ouh yeah.. people can hobby is.. makan.. haha
20. tekanan. paling x boleh terima tekanan dari org lain. x suka di suruh dan x suka menyuruh. i live my own life..u dont get to tell me what to do cuz i wont !
19. cloudy. sungguh x suka hari yang panas..tapi hujan pun x suka.. mendung perfect !
18. garang. org cakap aku garang.. x lah.. x garang.. cume kadang2 ekspresi muka dan nada suara tu x kene baik org nye..
17. pernah di hacked..sungguh sedih hidup mase tu..and i wish i just knew..........='(
18. nasik ayam dan laksa penang. makanan terbaik yang pernah dicipta !
16. shopping. perempuan..bese la tu kan.. tapi aku tahu ape yang patut dan x patut aku happens kadang2 je..most of the time..x patut punye shopping.
15. jejaka idaman. belum mentatto nama mane2 lelaki di liver ini. setakat yang temporary punye tatto..banyak la.
14. mahu anak yang x terlalu ramai..x terlalu sikit.. team futsal pun dah ok.. =D
13. kawen.. ouh..saya x nak kawen..[buat masa sekarang la..haha]
12. mencintai pantai. duduk tepi pantai besama seorang teman sambil makan McD..sepanjang hari tanpa buat apa2.. perkara paling indah yang pernah sy impikan ~
11. masak.. suka masak, suka belajar masak, suka tengok rancangan memasak.. tapi malas nak masak..
10. mahu jadi god of cardio suatu hari nanti..mcm christina yang kan debb? haha
9. sangat senang menangis..tgk cite sedih..mati2 sket..nanges2 dah.. =(
8. kadang2..super sensitive..ok..i hate myself too for being such a mengada2.. tapi..i kan perempuan..=)
7. harap masih ada lelaki yang betul2 paham hati dan perasaan perempuan..kalau ade lelaki mcm tu..tolong la kawen ngn aku..haha..tapi jangan lah kau tu gay mahupun sutun pulak !
6. air. sumpah aku sangat suka main air.. dan minum air.. dan mungkin....buang air..
5. impian besar. kalau nanti aku dah ade duit.. aku nak bawak parents aku ke suatu tempat yang menjadi idaman hampir semua orang..
4. nanti dah tua2..nak travel around the world with my beloved husband {yang x sure lagi sape gerangannya}
3. medic. aku sukaaaaaaaaa belajar medicine.. i get to know human being better..don't you ? =D
2. i can be very very very annoying and jerk at the same time whenever i'm in a bad mood.. sorry kawan2..
1. korea.. xde la big fan sangat.. tapi agak kipas-susah-mati la..i love almost everything about korea..dan teringinnnnnnnnn sangat nak pergi korea.. =)
sey bok
dalam kalender tahun 2010 nur atiqah nordin..
bulan november adelah bulan palingggg sibuk bagi dirinya..
kenape... sebab tanpe sedar..
die ade banyak meeting perlu attend..
die ade program yang kene handle..
die ade program besar yang die perlu jadi volunteer.. walaupun program tu sbnrnye..bulan 12..
tapi..disebabkan mende tu awal bulan ade bau2 bulan november lagi la..
die ade check point nak kene jage..
die ade banyak exam nak kene sit..
die ade banyak soalan nak kene jawab.. paling minimum pun 100..
die ade modul dan text book yang tebal perlu di baca..
die ade banyak pulsa yang perlu di habiskan untuk sms org sane sini..
owh yeah.. she's busy.. so don't mess with her ! ok2..tu ayat dramatic..
she's doing just can mess with her.. if you dare~~~ hahaha
hey encik sword.. u ingat u je bleh busy ??? i pun boleh la ~!!!
bulan november adelah bulan palingggg sibuk bagi dirinya..
kenape... sebab tanpe sedar..
die ade banyak meeting perlu attend..
die ade program yang kene handle..
die ade program besar yang die perlu jadi volunteer.. walaupun program tu sbnrnye..bulan 12..
tapi..disebabkan mende tu awal bulan ade bau2 bulan november lagi la..
die ade check point nak kene jage..
die ade banyak exam nak kene sit..
die ade banyak soalan nak kene jawab.. paling minimum pun 100..
die ade modul dan text book yang tebal perlu di baca..
die ade banyak pulsa yang perlu di habiskan untuk sms org sane sini..
owh yeah.. she's busy.. so don't mess with her ! ok2..tu ayat dramatic..
she's doing just can mess with her.. if you dare~~~ hahaha
Sunday, November 7, 2010
si sepet
yeah... i'm a biggggg fan of lelaki bermata sepet..
tapi..bukan sepet cm org chinese tu..
tapi sepet lah...
kulit putih...licin je...
muke jambu...
pandai nyanyi..pandai menari..pandai berlakon..
pokok nye.. mmg menghiburkan lah kalau bersama beliau..
susah nak cari lelaki cmtu kan...
sape2 ade lebih stock lelaki sedemikian..xmo share2 ke ?
owh..did i mention that... i suke lelaki korea..........
penaja...tolong transfer i sekarang jugak !!!!
sekian terima kaseh.. =D
tapi..bukan sepet cm org chinese tu..
tapi sepet lah...
kulit putih...licin je...
muke jambu...
pandai nyanyi..pandai menari..pandai berlakon..
pokok nye.. mmg menghiburkan lah kalau bersama beliau..
susah nak cari lelaki cmtu kan...
sape2 ade lebih stock lelaki sedemikian..xmo share2 ke ?
owh..did i mention that... i suke lelaki korea..........
penaja...tolong transfer i sekarang jugak !!!!
sekian terima kaseh.. =D
if god give me a chance to do just one thing to you...
i would choose to SLAP you.. seriously !!
if my heart could explode right now..
it will explode with anger..
if i want to cry right now..
it will be another sungai in tanjung duren..
but not hitam as the other one..
if you are in front of me right now..
i will kick your ass !!!!
sekian..terima kasih =D
i would choose to SLAP you.. seriously !!
if my heart could explode right now..
it will explode with anger..
if i want to cry right now..
it will be another sungai in tanjung duren..
but not hitam as the other one..
if you are in front of me right now..
i will kick your ass !!!!
sekian..terima kasih =D
Monday, November 1, 2010
cukup lah 100 je !
mulakan hari mu dgn senyuman..yeah..thats what i did this morning..hoping that everything will be just fine..
*i'm talking bout the exam ok* but it didn't turn out so good.. it was DISASTER !!
bangun pagi2..jantung berdegup dgn kelajuan normal..stress masih mampu ditangani dgn senyuman, gelak ketawa, gurau senda, masih berselera manjamah makanan (in fact..sungguh berselera), masih mampu fokus dlm kelas..kire superb la tu kan bg org yg nak exam dak?
nak kate x abes bace..rasenye abes dah..nak kate study last minit..rase awal jugak aku start kali ni..
nak kate x paham ape lecturer ajar *ade la x pahamnye*..nak kate x hafal..dah hafal dah *walaupun x ingat !*
tapi still x boleh jawab !!! tidakkkkkkkkkkk ~~~ ya Allah..bantulah kami ya Allah.. ='(
masuk ruang exam..hati tenang..cari2 seat..owh di tepi dinding..sempit sungguh !
"ujiannya 100 soal.."mendayu2 aku dgr suara dr.N (bkn nama sebenar)..tenang nye la die ckp..
hellooooooooooooooooo... 100 kot !! masa..100 minit..amboi2..sedap nye kau jah kasi mase kat aku banyak tu je..ko ingat senang ke jah oii..
mahu saja aku bangun dari kerusi sambil mengeluarkan kata2 berbentuk maki hamun carut carutan..
haha..emosional sungguh !
tapi memandangkan aku ni gadis-sopan-santun-lemah-lembut-bermulut-manis-bakal-menantu-impian-ibu-ibu-mertua-seluruh-malaysia... reputasi kene lah jage kan.. so aku diam shj di tempat duduk..
dalam hati..ade la jugakter-maki sket2.. x sengaja ok..reaksi spontan dari hati !
mungkin U aku nikodokut yg amat..setiap soalan sumpah-panjang-kalau-gabung-5-soalan-boleh-jadi-karangan-budak-PMR.. hah..darab la ngn 100..
diorg pegi mampat-mampat kan sume soalan tu..senak mata i baca ! retak contact lense i ! (aku x pakai contact lense pun~)
mybe they forgot to hit the ENTER BUTTON ! kasi space la sket..those questions also need their own space meh..
kesudahan nye.. me n my roomie, debb..membawa hati yang lara ke Central Park.. menghabiskan sisa2 duit yang ada......................
oppss..terpanjang pulak post.. niat hati nak panjang lagi..tapi aku kan gadis-bla-bla-bla (panjang sgt lah gelaran aku)'ll stop here..nak pegi marathon grey's anatomy season 4..haha ^^,
*i'm talking bout the exam ok* but it didn't turn out so good.. it was DISASTER !!
bangun pagi2..jantung berdegup dgn kelajuan normal..stress masih mampu ditangani dgn senyuman, gelak ketawa, gurau senda, masih berselera manjamah makanan (in fact..sungguh berselera), masih mampu fokus dlm kelas..kire superb la tu kan bg org yg nak exam dak?
nak kate x abes bace..rasenye abes dah..nak kate study last minit..rase awal jugak aku start kali ni..
nak kate x paham ape lecturer ajar *ade la x pahamnye*..nak kate x hafal..dah hafal dah *walaupun x ingat !*
tapi still x boleh jawab !!! tidakkkkkkkkkkk ~~~ ya Allah..bantulah kami ya Allah.. ='(
masuk ruang exam..hati tenang..cari2 seat..owh di tepi dinding..sempit sungguh !
"ujiannya 100 soal.."mendayu2 aku dgr suara dr.N (bkn nama sebenar)..tenang nye la die ckp..
hellooooooooooooooooo... 100 kot !! masa..100 minit..amboi2..sedap nye kau jah kasi mase kat aku banyak tu je..ko ingat senang ke jah oii..
mahu saja aku bangun dari kerusi sambil mengeluarkan kata2 berbentuk maki hamun carut carutan..
haha..emosional sungguh !
tapi memandangkan aku ni gadis-sopan-santun-lemah-lembut-bermulut-manis-bakal-menantu-impian-ibu-ibu-mertua-seluruh-malaysia... reputasi kene lah jage kan.. so aku diam shj di tempat duduk..
dalam hati..ade la jugak
mungkin U aku ni
diorg pegi mampat-mampat kan sume soalan tu..senak mata i baca ! retak contact lense i ! (aku x pakai contact lense pun~)
mybe they forgot to hit the ENTER BUTTON ! kasi space la sket..those questions also need their own space meh..
kesudahan nye.. me n my roomie, debb..membawa hati yang lara ke Central Park.. menghabiskan sisa2 duit yang ada......................
oppss..terpanjang pulak post.. niat hati nak panjang lagi..tapi aku kan gadis-bla-bla-bla (panjang sgt lah gelaran aku)'ll stop here..nak pegi marathon grey's anatomy season 4..haha ^^,
till then..chiao !
integrasi + mama + stress
in few hours..matahari terbit..rise n shine wahai jakarta !!
big day today huh ?! sungguh big..sampai aku rase nak skip hari ni..(post ni di taip pada pagi buta)
ok2..since my-university-yg-suka-amat-sangat-buat-exam ni mengubah system exam ke sistem integrasi..
kami..student2 yg hebat dan terer menanggung stress ni..bertambah2 stress..
tapi xpe la..ade hikmah tu...kot~
sejak kes ada student malaysia yang meninggal kat bandung tu (al-fatihah buat arwah)
tiap kali mama call..mesti die tanya.. "ok x?", "sehat x?", "kalau ade ape2 mslh bagitau..jgn simpan". "kalau x sehat cepat2 makan ubat", macam2 lagi la..haha..alahai mama ku syg..i'm ok..dont worry..=D
anakanda sehat sejahtera di sini..melampau2 sehat nye ade la ! =_='
post merepek : stress mungkin..
gtg..need some brain need some rest..byk sgt main game harini.. *damn you fesbuk !*
big day today huh ?! sungguh big..sampai aku rase nak skip hari ni..(post ni di taip pada pagi buta)
ok2..since my-university-yg-suka-amat-sangat-buat-exam ni mengubah system exam ke sistem integrasi..
kami..student2 yg hebat dan terer menanggung stress ni..bertambah2 stress..
tapi xpe la..ade hikmah tu...kot~
sejak kes ada student malaysia yang meninggal kat bandung tu (al-fatihah buat arwah)
tiap kali mama call..mesti die tanya.. "ok x?", "sehat x?", "kalau ade ape2 mslh bagitau..jgn simpan". "kalau x sehat cepat2 makan ubat", macam2 lagi la..haha..alahai mama ku syg..i'm ok..dont worry..=D
anakanda sehat sejahtera di sini..melampau2 sehat nye ade la ! =_='
post merepek : stress mungkin..
gtg..need some brain need some rest..byk sgt main game harini.. *damn you fesbuk !*
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:: muke aku mesti macam zombie esok :: |
!! disaster !!
Monday, October 25, 2010
best sangat pun susah !
my current addiction is.. watching grey's anatomy..non-stop
sanggup bergadang demi menghabiskan 1 season
tapi bila nak study..pukul 11 dah tersengguk-sengguk.. =(
tapi bila nak study..pukul 11 dah tersengguk-sengguk.. =(
sanggup habis kan masa download series tu..season by season..
everytime aku tgk cerita tu..cita-cita..terus nak jadi surgeon..
x kesah la cardiac ke, neuro ke, ortho ke, general ke.. janji surgeon..haha
tapi..belajar malas !!! camne nak jadi surgeon kan2??
but deep down inside..i believe i'm gonna be a good doctor no matter what my specialist is/are.. (ada cita-cita nak amik specialist banyak2..haha) ~ insyaAllah ~
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:: i freaking loveee this series :: |
p/s : don't you think dr. mark sloan is hot? haha..he's too handsome and charming.. not to mention he's a plastic makes him hotter.. =D
Sunday, October 24, 2010
aku mmg sayang sangat kat kadang2 aku sakit hati sangat kat kau
ini bukan soal insan yang paling aku sayang atau sayang suam2 kuku atau x sayang langsung..
ni tentang dia..(drama)
FYI..dia suka makan menda yg org makan..pantang tgk mulut org mengunyah..sibukkk je..
dia suka tido..dan...dia NAKAL macam anak hantu kadang-kadang..*nakal yg sampai rase nak picit kuat2*
owh..lupe nak cakap..he's freaking cute and handsome..hahahahaha
angap.. aku mmg suke picit kau..aku suke tengking kau..aku suke pukul kau..tapi ketahuilah angap..aku sayaaannnnggggg sangattttt kat kau..ok ? ^_^
ni tentang dia..(drama)
FYI..dia suka makan menda yg org makan..pantang tgk mulut org mengunyah..sibukkk je..
dia suka tido..dan...dia NAKAL macam anak hantu kadang-kadang..*nakal yg sampai rase nak picit kuat2*
owh..lupe nak cakap..he's freaking cute and handsome..hahahahaha
ni lah dia..ANGAP.. *wink wink*
:: terlelap :: |
:: give up :: |
dah pandai
yup..aku dah pandai ! bukan pandai biokim atau faal endokrin yg menimbum-tak-tahu-nak-baca-bila tu
tapi..aku dah pandai ber-wii dan ber-PS3.. haha..sumpah ilmu tu tak patut ade dalam diri aku..
but at least i found a new way to release tension..n that place tak jauh pun dari rumah
hanya perlu naik kotak bertayar warna merah..yg bawak mcm ferrari yg xde minyak break..
thanx to a friend yg introduce that superb place to me...kalau mak aku tahu..mesti mak aku x kasi aku kawan ngan kau..hahahaha
btw..the game was awesome..serius best..kalau aku kaya..aku akan spend masa seharian kat situ..
tp..tu la hikmahnye bile xde duit ni..aku x la spend semua masa yang berbaki pada aku ni..kat situ..
tp ape2 pun..aku akan pergi lagi ! hahaha
p/s : x sangka pulak aku kat Tg. Duren ni..ade jual kereta Ferrari and Audi (bunyi mcm jual pecel lele).. kedai die kecikkkk je..tgk kat dalam..amik kau..punya la dasat kereta..haha..tahniah la kepada tuan kedai..skang Tg. Duren nampak mcm mewah..haha *impressed*
Monday, October 18, 2010
i have a cousin..jarang gila jumpa..and if we do pun..we dont talk to each other..
why ??!!! answer..simple je..we dont have things to talk about..seriously..we dont !
and recently..i found her fb thru some stalking here and there..
and as a good cousin..of course la i add die kan..
pada suatu malam yg bosan..ktorg chat thru fb..
mybe disebabkan terlaluuuuu lama x jumpa and we barely talk to each other..
ktorg x jumpa kata ganti nama diri yg sesuai nak digunakan..hahaha
cm bongok je ! is bongok..she called me tiqah..
as far as i'm concerned..none of my family members ever call me tiqah..
she never call me tiqah..and as the conversation getting longer..
suddenly it became akward..coz we dont have anything else to talk about..
i ended the conversation with "bhahaha =P"..tu je yg mampu difikirkan..haha
sungguh lame =(
~i need to balik kampung more..i dont like being akward with anyone..esp my cousin~
Monday, October 11, 2010
ratu teng-teng !
bandung games..was awesome ! walaupun penat nye mengalahkan sukan komenwel..
the only game yg aku pandai dan mcm tahu teng-teng..
yg sport2..jauh sekali lah kan..netball..volleyball..futsal..sumpah xde skill..
skill dah satu hal..stamina..pergh..mcm nenek org..haha..pancit memanjang..
tp..teng-teng pun perlukan stamina..melompat dgn sebelah kaki selama 15 minit..
agak mencabar..dah la berkaki ayam..bkn x nak pakai kasut..
leceh berkaki ayam di jalan batu bata yg panas..
dari pukul 9 pagi..sampai pukul 2 petang..burn kulit oii..free2 je kulit jadi gelap..
tp xpe..worth it jugak pengorbanan ktorg..sbb kami..ratu teng-teng..adalah the only juara dalam team jakarta..hahaha
kebanggaan kontigen jakarta..walaupun cuma teng-teng..haha
bandung games..hope to see you again in badung games 2011..insyaAllah..
kami akan pertahankan kejuaraan kami !! :D
Thursday, October 7, 2010
scariest dream ever
last and my bunc had a talk...about our future..ecece....jauh pikir tu ~~
he ask me to marry him..OMG !!! haha..well..all i can say is YES..=D kidding lar..he didn't officially ask me to marry him..but he did asked "bile boleh masuk meminang?"
ok..that's not the scary part...then i went to bed..with hati yang berbunga bak taman bunga tulip yg sdg kembang mekar..blablabla..
then..i had a mama ask me to marry someone else !!!! how can that be..i'm in love wth someone else..u know that mama..but mama said "x boleh ! mama dah terima pinangan org ni !" aduh~~
since me and my bunc are good kids..we listened to our have to agree with my mama's choice..
i don't wanna be anak derhaka lah kan..but of coz..i cry my eyes out !!!
the day of my bunc sent me to masjid..for akad nikah thing..
wawa...tegar nye hati kite kan...=(
he's like my brother..whose always been there for me..
but still i can't accept the fact that i'm marrying someone else !!!
then..i opened my eyes..."pergh..nasib baik mimpi felt too real !!"
i can't imagine..if that dream..wasn't a dream....='( new blog !
hye ppl ! (owh..i have no followers yet !)
this is my new my previous acc have been hacked by some pervert..
so here i a new life with a brand new blog..haha..(mcm la xde blog x boleh hidup)
due to frustration, i had decided not to have blog anymore..but i can't help it !
since i'm a sasterawan-negara-to-be, so i have to write..
if i don't write..i'll talk like a talking machine and non-stop..
so..for the sake of my friends ears..saya perlu ada blog !
doesn't matter if ppl wanna read all the piece of **** or not..
this is my blog..i'll write whatever i want..haha..
p/s : feel free to follow me..i'll follow you back ! i promise~ ^^,
this is my new my previous acc have been hacked by some pervert..
so here i a new life with a brand new blog..haha..(mcm la xde blog x boleh hidup)
due to frustration, i had decided not to have blog anymore..but i can't help it !
since i'm a sasterawan-negara-to-be, so i have to write..
if i don't write..i'll talk like a talking machine and non-stop..
so..for the sake of my friends ears..saya perlu ada blog !
doesn't matter if ppl wanna read all the piece of **** or not..
this is my blog..i'll write whatever i want..haha..
p/s : feel free to follow me..i'll follow you back ! i promise~ ^^,
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