Sunday, August 12, 2012

a place where i call home

its been 3 weeks since i left jakarta..
my sencond home..where i left all the burden and stress there..
went home with a big smile :D
this is the most memorable Ramadan in my life.. :)

sekejap je, lagi seminggu..Ramadan akan berakhir..
ah pantas sungguh..baru haritu rase bukak puase kat jakarta masa 1 Ramadan..
baru haritu jalan2 kat kawah putih..(opss xde kene mengena)
apakah Ramadan aku kali ni lebih baik dari tahun lepas
apakah amal ibadah aku diterima Allah
apakah aku belajar sesuatu dari Ramadan ini, atau sekadar menahan lapar dahaga
hmmm :)

cuti..niat nak buat attachment..tapi....entah mana hilang niat tu..aku x tahu..
i seriously done nothing useful or beneficial all this while..
ya Allah what have i done T_T

time is always around us, but do we know what to do with time?

eh eh everyone, 
maafkan segala kesilapan aku pd korg baik sengaja atau pun tidak :)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Social skill

I'm excited !! I'm posting today's post through my iPod !! First time, sorry over plak :D

Social networking, phenomena dunia skrg..
Budak darjah 2 pun dah ada acc fb.. Aku dulu2 masa darjah 2, komputer pun x kenal..
Tapi, ever since aku join these social networking (fb & twitter), my social skills makin teruk.. Hahaha
Dlm fb, bkn main, like sana sini, comment itu ini..
Kat twitter, i tweet u, u tweet me
Tp in real life, bile nmpk org tu.. Aku buat2 x nmpk je.. Same goes to the other person..
Mcm akward gila kalau nak senyum2 tegur2..
Ok tipu la x tegur lgsg, tp basic akward conversation je la.. Haha
Bile kat fb twitter, peh, mcm dah lame kenal.. Hahaha

So i need to work on my social skill, coz i'll be working with human being, not fb or twitter..


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

cat food

i bought a bag of cat food today
never tried this brand before, its cheaper though
i'm not sure if my cats gonna like it or not
when i brought the cat food upstairs
all of them like kucing gila, coz they've been starving for the whole day..
ala ala puasa sunat asyura gitu..

i fed them, but they don't seem to like it
they smelled the food, and stared at me..
like they're trying to say "we dont like this crap, we love the expensive one ! change our food !"
well kitty kitty cat cat, read this (i really hope you guys could read), EAT YOUR DAMN FOOD COZ THAT'S ALL I COULD AFFORD !!

mommy :)

Monday, October 3, 2011

crappy crap crap

the group was made for educational purposes..
we ask question, we discuss about exam, we made survey, we share information..
tapi, some ppl use that group to post some crappy thing..
useless thing..i understand that you want to share with the member of the group..
tapi kan, i'm pretty sure we all have each other facebook..
just post it on your wall..all of us can see it..end of story..
just so you know, there are some ppl like me..
we see the notification.."hah, someone post something on the group, it must be important or at least useful.."
tapi bile tekan, " merepek2 rupanya.." and trust me, deep down inside my heart, i did cursed..little bit :)
dan..dan..bile anda2 post mende2 yang tiada faedahnya tu, mende2 yang penting, berguna..turun ke bawah..
xpasal2 kami2 ni perlu scroll ke bawah..and somentime missed it..
i didnt say that what you guys did was wrong, but its not the right place..
i've done that before, longgg time ago, i post some crappy funny video..just for fun..
but now, i promise i'll never do that again..

its just a reminder for us :)

*peace yaw!* ^__^

Thursday, September 29, 2011

marry, married, marriage :)

makin lama, makin ramai kawan yang bergelar isteri/suami..
haih..cepat nye la korang membesar..
rase mcm baru haritu kite main kejar2 dalam kelas..
sekarang, main kejar2 dgn isteri/suami dalam rumah pulak.. sweet :)

cepat Allah temukan jodoh korg..alhamdulillah..
semoga berkekalan hingga akhirat sana.. :)
jodoh aku, mungkin tengah sibuk bercinta dengan org lain..
bang, cepat2 sket cari bukan, cari sy lepas sy grad nnt..
okay ? :D

Monday, September 26, 2011

ade rezeki, ade la :)

ayoo bergadang buat PBL besok !! *tibeee*

nak pegi bercuti, we need plan..
x kesah la walaupun ade thousands of plans, yg penting, ade..
plan dah cantek, masa dah set, semangat berkobar2..
bila check account, alahai, banyak tu je duit..
sakit jugak hati..
time tu, kepale melayang2 pikir, mane pegi duit..
nak kate x simpan, tiap2 bulan pun ade simpan..
mata tertancap pada iPod dan blackberry kesayangan..
hah, kat situ rupanya duit aku..x jadi nak sakit hati..sayang punye pasal :)

lepas exam..dah ade destinasi nak dituju, duit pun insyaAllah ade..
cuti krismas..pun ade plan..duit je xde..
cuti sem bulan february..pun ade plan..tapi..sah2 la xde duit..
1 block pun x habis lg, plan dah bersusun..xpe, hidup kene ade perancangan..
orang kata, bila belajar kat tempat orang, amik la kesempatan nak jalan2 kat tempat orang..
nanti dah balik negara sendiri, dah xde mase nak datang sini balik..
tapi........................tu la.. T__T